Sustainability is the new normal and as the SDGs continue to gain momentum, conserving energy or reducing waste is proving the right way to go. As a form of energy which affords us life’s basic comforts, electricity should be no less conserved.

Beyond the economic benefits of conserving electrical energy to the individual consumer, there are several other benefits from health to climate change. number six is our best choice to conserve electrical energy in your homes. installing a solar system would be our first recommendation, but we would leave you to be the judge of that.
1. Let in natural light
One thing our dear Earth is blessed with is the abundance of daylight from the Sun. So, whenever you can, raise the blinds and let the sunshine in! Using natural light whenever possible instead of relying on artificial light can greatly reduce the amount of electricity you consume during the day.

A pilot study by 1Zayed University found a strong correlation between better moods and exposure to natural light. Now, that’s some incentive. Please do not mistake this for exposure to UV from the Sun; UV destroys the skin!
2. Turn off your electrical appliances
Turn off electrical appliances that are not in use. By turn off, we mean TURN OFF, do not leave appliances in standby mode!

A study by Energy Saving Trust revealed that leaving appliances like your TV set in standby mode can effectively increase your energy bills by 16%! Make it a habit to turn off the lights when you leave the room.
3. Change your water heating systems
Now let’s look at your water-heating system. A storage tank heating system heats all the water in the tank and this is wasteful as you may not need to use all of it.

Instant water heaters or tankless heaters are a good way of ensuring you heat only what you need. In the long run, you might want to consider investing in a solar water-heating system as this will significantly reduce your energy bills.
4. Mind your washing machine settings
Adjust your washing machine settings to suit your load. For instance, not all your laundry requires hot water, so use the hot water setting only when extremely necessary.

As well, if you have to load your washing machine, wait until you have enough laundry for a full wash. Also, clothes dryers consume a lot of energy. If you have a yard, put up some clothes lines and hang your clothes out to dry.
5. Change out your light bulbs
Energy-saving bulbs are a sure way to save you money.

Whereas the initial cost of buying an energy-saving bulb is higher than buying an incandescent bulb, the energy bulbs outlast incandescent bulbs and also reduce your energy bills.
6. Use renewable energy
Renewable energy is the language of sustainability and as the world records remarkable progress on all fronts especially in wind and solar energy, it is advisable to look forward to switching our energy sources to renewables.

It is really a nice idea to save electricity bills using renewable energy. Install an inverter system from Mozabo engineering ltd and your guarantied the peace of mind from industry experts.
Here is an overview of the solar inverter system in Nigeria